Sunday, November 4, 2012 us illusion remain

Chapter 129 is past ground of to return
The dollar that the You Wu Chi's chest and belly outside comes together dint slowly flies to an ugly leg and once showed the leg department Gao bore to slowly and enough raise, momentarily, his bottom half suddenly becomes misty and imitate a Buddha two leg bags 1 F light gauze, give people a kind of visionary felling.Walk each time one step, his bodieses all lightly work properly too ridiculously, oneselfs all have a kind of body if square"bone of marvellous illusion, remain here, he imitates a Buddha bum a wisp of ghost of material life, the whole body has no a D to order weight and floats to concuss in the world.
Have no again be like before so a head of bumped on the tree trunk, also didn't make an effort not and all, drop into flower bush a while, in addition to speed can not such as wood Luo is similar quickly over in addition to lightning flash, he descended own shape to pour to really have several cents, the wood Luo's poetic charms, ghost shadow the similar faintness is lightly thin."Thousand You Lue shadow" is divided into various varieties, the dollar in the body dint through whole body pore mixture the big wave spirit fly Yi body, only a kind of variety of foundation, this variety fixs after, is whole ten, the person is like a wisp of ghost, can not wear trace to bum to float suddenly, give person a kind of unpredictable felling.
"Thousand You Lues shadow" didn't attackstone in the beginning of the ability was only really controling foundation variety, can arbitrarily cloud, the dint mixs muddy spirit to divert body, it form the oneself You after copying, just can ascend an astonishing attack for additional"the You copies" with the variety in self-discipline of dint.Bottom oneself more and more misty, gradually give people an and inhumane illusion, but his speed is more and more quick, the feet step in the miscellaneous grass cluster,, incredibly have no voice.Distance just still was discussing that wood Luo whom he canned enough fix into "the shadow of You Lue"'s waitsing person to see him has already become this shape, no longer knowing shoulded say this what good.For a long time and for a long time after, wood Luo sighs towards calling however lightly, "religious leader indeed as expected is a life time remarkable talent don't , under the circumstance that not self-discipline, Ao Luo's absolute being boon is satisfactory achievement, not only can control, thousand You Lues shadow, of the luck dint method door, can also incline to the body so quickly, You shadow" is seen, I the Ao Luo's absolute being teach of the renew really have been already hoped."
The tower does three brotherses to together and together nod, three have is seven of territory of Aos Luo's absolute being teach of superior, see again toward the Ji vast skies of distance, have already taken in the look in the eyes several divide sincere esteem."Depend on thou beautiful, in those early years I guidance niece, thousand You Lues shadow, of time, you used much for a long time just can change into the body, You shadow, " wood Luo Pie depend on ancient beautiful one eye, light.
Depend on mountain beautiful sweet and charming face, suddenly and redly as oozing blood, a bit helpless, and then have this ashamed.Until this a moment, depend on thou beautiful just compelled by circumstances ground admitted his/her own not equal to Ji vast sky, in iron under the general fact, her suddenly understanding she isn't the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach the most outstanding youth.Also someone, want to be far far strong to lead her!This lets always in mind with felling from the Xu teach young generation for the Ao Luo's absolute being oneself to first superior of she is very upset, common people in Western Regions of so the calling her leads the way a person for"the flower of moon" in addition to she really looks pass if spending, most of being because she being the Ao Luo's absolute being teaching new generation of.
However still wanted young Ji vast sky to appear than her at present, all over took dazzling glorious advent holy land, although only four territories, everywhere express a Zong strange quality in sky that Gao Ren Yi raises, this immediately Cui Kua depend on thou beautiful keep several years of Ao however position.
"Teacher, I I ain't equal to he" beautiful according to thou with gnat fly sort of voice, low loiter should 1.
Wood Luo deeply agreed a location to nod, "you certainly not equal to he, dollar bead in the sky will choose him is lord
, Think teacher to see isn't that he controls breath all-powerful, "the words arrive here, wood Luo no longer said more,
Because the Ji vast sky has already smiled to come over here."Luo of the wood, I still had a few Fujian provinces to want to ask you to just try for a while, my detection" Ji vast sky hasn't walked to the wood Luo's body beside then although can not treat, full is a glad smiling face on the face, there is no just a tiny bit religious leader shelf.
The wood Luo and tower does 3 people the facial expression is polite, the favour bends body to mutually treat by gift, depend on thou beautiful hesitated for a while, for the first time gladly surrenderly slender waist song curved, although don't wish, in the heart but truely approved his religious leader identity.
A little bit farer of easy Jia x is two easily soft bond maids, see him with wood Luo start to discuss about the secret teaching the Ao Luo's absolute being profound meaning, originally prepared gather together come up with two wenches that he talks, again aware of self ground backed down.In these two bond maid hearts, four of the territory can match seven star private in the sky's Ji vast skies, on the body already receive last 1 F mysterious light yarn, he can in short time will"thousand You Lues copy and control, two bond maids pouring is to feel naturally, isn't the person whom the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, don't know herein Mi Xin, a Chinese family name, two bond maids don't know difficultieses in it.
After a road, as long as is be placed in unmanned Huang countryside Ling, the Ji vast sky is each each time and pares all at silently self-discipline"thousand shadow of You Lues"s only have when he runs into the problem time of difficult solution to call to a wood Luo inquire clear.Had a wood Luo's this Jing fix"thousand You Lues copy, several years of superior points out, his progress more and more quick, wait into for a sky, water city of time, he can already whole body dollar the dint mix the big wave spirit pass whole body the pore slowly diverted a body.
Water city in the sky, emperor's city of water cloud country.Last time the time in the water city in sky, he and white an elegant at Chen Jia worked properly a treasure general assembly top, experienced this world grand occasion, the Ao Luo's absolute being taught of saint thing dollar bead in the sky be at worked properly a treasure general assembly to up get of, the whole body on the thousand years purple gold Chan purine body strange treasure, also at worked properly a treasure general assembly to up cash to make he pleased dollar stone.
For work properly a treasure general assembly, for Chen Jia, he has special feelings.In the nice and secluded valley and fierce hate talent don't before, fierce hate a sky to give repeated advice to the time that he goes to blood rain mountain, while on the way go to Chen Jia Yi's trip, to Chen Jia give an account for a while"the Yu tooth plate an end of You Qu Mai, according to fierce hate sky say Chen Jia Yi's treasure can't the affair that investigate strong Xi Zhi.
Get into for a sky, water city after, he just discovers here any further have no hang to appreciate his to announce, at the beginning in the Du house the exorbitant price want to let world private Juan takes him for sky, however a wait fierce hate a sky to appear, water cloud country"the quick parties person withdraws descend all military officers that announce, and severely punished those approval to let to announce to take effect.
In martial country national territorial in the sky, it is fierce to hate a sky is well-deserved fierce evil, because he at concealed Long Yuan the neighborhood once greatly opened rule against killing and became those several blood for killings river, but, to the common people of water cloud country, fierce hated a sky not only isn't fierce evil, is still a hero, stateowned in water cloud detached position.Think in those early years south Yi private in the sky revolted in water cloud country national territorial, thou big wave one person went to for a sky, the wolf mountain dealt with red raise, fierce hated a sky then and take Mt. Heaven the superior killed in blood rain mountain of southern Yi horizontal corpse to private in the sky made all over the place south Yi private in the sky had to withdraw water cloud country and gave relief to the peaceful people common people from private's religious sect in sky of blood rain mountain neighborhood.
Is fierce to hate the sky once greatly opened rule against killing in martial country in the sky, but in water cloud domestic don't over kill innocence, if not that returning of one of world two greatest holy lands cloud believed in to lay the blame on he for be fierce to evil, if not that he since the universe believed in Pan break out of, parties in private's house in the sky of water cloud country even would openly defiant actly support his dealing with a Du house.Have to say the manner that Chen Jia's bodyguard has much of big household, when the Ji vast sky takes the wood Luo's a group of people to appear before family Chen, a few bodyguards although a see to receive wood Luo of veil to wait a person is visitor in Western Regions, although they a face up all take a point Nu idea, still depend on foot gift the number treat, have no immediately abusive word mutually to.
"I call Ji vast sky, also invite a few eldest brothers to report to report a , or want to see your three shopkeepers."The Ji vast sky expressed his/her own identity at family Chen.
A few Chen Jia's bodyguard also someone once saw him, however they really don't know Ji vast sky relationship with Chen Jia, even if such, this a few Chen Jia's bodyguard didn't also refuse and in a hurry reported a report in the past.Is very quick, the bodyguard who reports a report in a hurry but go, quickly come back again, bodyguard's facial expression for returning is much polite, "in please!"
Also Don't mention it, Ji vast sky heel in the behind of this bodyguard.Took the wood Luo's a group of people to directly enter Chen Jia.
After this bodyguard takes their a group of people to receiving guest of back yard elegance hall, the respectful voice says to the Ji vast sky, "we three shopkeepers in a short while, arrive."
He words sound the square fall, Chen Yi Hui style style since then, the full face heap smiles, "vast sky, how did you think of to arrive at my Chen Jia to come?"
Chen Yi Hui smiles to talk, but the look in the eyes stare at to wear the wood Luo's a group of people of veil not to put and work properly a treasure general assembly to end in a little while, those Mo Nis teach of the visitor is working properly a treasure general assembly to up bring about the Xing breeze blood rain, looted many work properly a treasure but return, rather heavy to the reputation influence that works properly treasure Ge.
This a period of time, Chen Yi Hui at the sight of person in Western Regions whole body all uncomfortable, if not that wood Luo several people is follow Ji vast sky to come over, Chen Yi Hui not only can't invite a wood Luo come over and also probably adjust to gather Chen Jia's superior first wood Luo round again say.
Wood Luo, beautiful according to thou, tower stem etc. breathing on the Human body is faraway uncanny, all obviously is a Jing to fix for a sky, the superior of private's way, this is private have already been seen by Chen Yi Hui to be a big enemy, even if is with Ji at the time that vast sky talked, she was still a Jing Qie ground shape, in addition to hall, many superiors in Chen's house also silently come together, in order to prevent is unprepared.
"Elder sister Hui don't be nervous, the person whom they aren't a Mo Ni to teach." The way is so long, follow fierce hate sky and Tuo to cross mountains strong 2 people experience and training again a period of time, the Ji vast sky present taste has been extraordinary, one eye, see out having scruples about of Chen Yi Hui, funny call an elder sister Hui.
A "elder sister Hui" call of Chen Yi Hui wreathed in smiles, her Jiao smiles to lightly scold, "have no big have no small, of, I soon and you aunt's of the same size, , return call elder sister Hui, mouth sweet little bastard!"Is inclined wood Luo's one eye, Chen Yi Hui to the Ji vast sky signal hint for a while, press his identity of quicker roll call wood Luo's a group of people.
Ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky smiled a solution sufficient, "they severals really come from Western Regions, is also private's superior in the sky of Western Regions, however elder sister Hui need not be nervous, they not only aren't your enemies, should still your friend."See the look in the eyes that Chen Yi Hui peep out to consult, he immediately after says, " last time at work properly a treasure general assembly to up stir breeze to stir rain of is the person whom Mo Ni in Western Regions teaches, dark of Wang Xin dark of the sons all ever once appeared at my water cloud country, purpose be for seizing for a sky, cloud, bead, but wood Luo came from the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach, you definitely once heard the Ao Luo's absolute being taught to teach with Mo Ni of the affair of ?,
Chen Jia is one of the seven greatest households, work properly treasure Ge and is a world to famously work properly a treasure the company spreads, Chen Jia will have understand to the world world religious section naturally, two biggest dings of Western Regions, the private religious section Ao in sky Luo's absolute being teaches pike, the Mo Ni teaches of the old grudge of , even the Tuo crosses mountains strong this kind of huge owletses to all have to hear, Chen Yi Hui isn't likely to don't know.
Listen to Ji vast sky so indeed as expected one explanation Chen Yi Hui peep out a smile right away, tiny curved body, expression sorry, "the enemy's enemy is a friend, ha ha is that I am getting rasher, also invite everyone not strange."After finishing speaking, this time words' the Yang voice of Chen Yi Hui the Jiao drinks, " all keeps on backing for me!"
Gathering Chen Jia's superior outside the hall, smell speech a ten, silent far go, Chen Yi Hui be wood Luo wait the person's noodles to make this undertaking to move, isn't only not disgusting vexed, but also will make people feel that she is open and aboveboard, has everyone the manner.Dismantled the veil on the face to come, wood Luo positive color way, "Ms. Chen need not say more, we from will understand."
Wood Luo the veil on the face dismantle come, depend on thou dirty suddenly the tower do 30, brothers nature no exception, in succession face top the yarn connected down, be depend on thou astute peeped out her that facial appearance that casts a glamour myriad living things after, Chen Yi Hui is brief dejected, mumbling low language way, the 嗮 basket remits suddenly and violently you expressed an identity, does my wreath take you for a Ni and teach new generation this female the Xi force investigate depend on thou beautiful low low on smiling, but don't say more what, she was originally a Mo Ni to teach the saint the female first candidate, if not that wood Luo midway saved she down, taught after Mo Ni some kind of after brainwashing,
She 100 divide 100 to replace present saint female position, become the saint female whom the Mo Ni teaches new generation."Elder sister Hui, cloud in the sky, is the bead on me."See Chen Yi Hui a bit dejected, the Ji vast sky lightly smiles to throw one she is enough attracted to this of topic."What, dollar bead in the sky?On you?"Chen Yi Hui a foolish, the favour hopes with surprising look toward him.
"H'm, dollar bead in the sky is the saint thing that the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, I and old fierce go to an Ao after Luo's absolute being teach, just know this affair, at Chen Yi Hui of surprised permit under, he the sequence of events of the affair pleasing way come, is working properly a treasure general assembly unintentionally and getting for a sky from he, dollar bead beginning, arrive he unintentionally get into the strange territory intrudes into the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of the holy land be taught how to be spending the orchid street war be over for new generation religious leader, also having the day showing off the city meeting the Ao Luo's absolute being teaching an everyone of framework, until by the Ao Luo's absolute being.
This some kind of words is fierce to hate a sky to give an account that he wants to say of, the sky the dollar bead is after all acquired by Chen Jia of, don't say an affair one is clear, Chen Jia perhaps the heart contain misunderstanding.Some kind of careers before he recklessly intrude into total sanctuary, this Luo knows not a thing and listens to him from the beginning speak of at present, a s all expressed very great interest, concentrate on ground listen to him of relate.
After easy Jia x two easily soft wench continents come, always one face adoration the ground looking at Chen Yi Hui and hope this dozen to order the pre-eminent woman of Chen Jia so big household business enterprise and wait Ji vast sky to speak of he while working properly the career of treasure general assembly, two bond maids just finally re- come together vision on Ji vast sky.After some kind of words finish speaking wood Luo's waiting all of persons is an as if deep in thought of facial expression, easy Jia, easily soft then full face surprised, click the tongue in curiosity, Chen Yi Hui Leng very in a short while, just a captivating smile,
"Being unexpectedly fierce old will let go of occupied to accompany you to go to Western Regions to walk a , ha ha, dollar bead in the sky is since the saint thing that the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, now again fall in your body, that it was yours, my Chen Jia owes fierce old Be getting tooer many, nature can't the dollar bead on sky up say more with you what."
"That thanked elder sister Hui too much."The Ji vast sky favour thanks.
"The vast sky is very kind you since call my elder sister Hui, don't consider as the outsider to me again."Chen Yi Hui full face the heap smile, recognized the form of address of Ji vast sky elder sister Hui, inclined one eye the easy Jia heart is two easily soft bond maids, Chen Yi Hui sudden Leng for a while, the ground of Zheng Zheng asks a way, "I seemed where to once see you these two wenches, "
Easy Jia, easily soft smiled at the same time, the easy Jia squinted Jing to smile to sing ground to say, "I am a small Jia, she is small soft, the Hui Yi went to our time of easy house last time and returned to give me a piece of jade to wear."
Easy Jia some kind of words drop down and suddenly and ruthlessly stared Ji vast sky one eye, she shouts Chen Yi Hui as"Hui E" Ji vast sky but shout "elder sister Hui" in this way, her status of a generation led low Ji vast sky a while, this let a bit dissatisfied in her heart.
"The oh is your these two bond maid films, disappear for several years, all long so Gao."Chen Yi Hui seems to be very happy and goes up to hold 20 ……the hand of Bu wench inquire after sb's health, and two bond maids engage in small talk.Lightly cough 1, see Chen Yi Hui hope to he, the Ji vast sky just smiles to live, "elder sister Hui, time come, old fierce make me speak a few lines alone with you."
Chen Yi Hui ordered to nod to say to the suddenly easily soft easy Jia, "20 bond maids don't urgently wear to walk, very not easy came a , play several more good heavenses here" said so, but Chen Yi Hui Be loose to open an easy Jia and easily soft small hand, the style style heads for one department chief gallery, say to the Ji vast sky, "vast sky, follow me."
The eye sees the Ji vast sky follow Chen Yi Hui to head for secludedly inside the room, easy Jia x easily soft two dings, bond maid dissatisfiedly the Jue wear a mouth, didn't know as well that being dissatisfied Chen Yi Hui to treat coldly two of her or a disaffection is another of what affair.
After, a hour's a face smiles Ji vast sky and look in the eyes of idea weirdly Chen Yi Hui, together from inside the room walked out.The Ji vast sky beat an expression of eyes to Luo several people of wood and right away went toward to outside walk to, wood Luo waits person's favours to start to keep up with, the on the way received the veil on the face again.
Easy Jia x easily soft two Ms. Ges and younger sisters just stand up, is just preparing to follow Ji vast sky to leave together, Chen Yi Hui already the one step catch up and stretch hand a hold tight two arms of bond maids, one face subterranean heat feeling, small Jia heart, the Bu is soft, you seldom come to 1 and say what can not walk, must stay more
Accompany me to speak several more words for several days!"See Ji vast sky a group of people have already come out a door, the easy Jia is some to is hasty, " Hui E, I with small,
Being soft to leave home is too long, can not hold up again, we and Ji vast sky while on the way, you let let's return to together with him."Do not go, say not to go anything, you don't want to go along with Hui E can not!"Chen Yi Hui tightly holds tight easy Jia heart easily soft, the dead lives not to let two bond maids flounce.Came out from Chen Jia come after, wood Luo turned head to hope one eye and saw easily soft these two bottles that was small to drag along oil of easy Jia x of don't keep up with, is not asked a way by ground low voice, "religious leader, are you to make that woman of Chen Jia block those two bond maids?"
The Ji vast sky is tiny tiny on smiling, nod to say"quite good, connect down some affairs that we do, having some to see get not only can not let two bond maids know."
Luo of the wood a foolish, soon after ordered to nod, "religious leader say how to do, we how do."
"It is very good."Ji vast sky ha ha on smiling, the laughter takes to order evil ways.
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