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Title: News Documentary: Love Lies

lie [Lead], is the kindergarten children know is wrong, but there is a 39-year-old father, 11-year-old daughter in the face of unexpected seriously ill after six months, every day he had to fabricate a lie after another, accompanied her daughter to fight disease.

[live] 16:55 You do not forget to drink plenty of water can you say ah chant, do not want to eat the noodles, then want to eat anything? ... Greedy is not, well ... we will be able to eat, and slowly slowly we are not able to eat it, what good we can eat.

[Text] Beijing General Hospital of PLA General Staff Department of the hospital where, every afternoon, Li Feng, the glass will be separated by sterile room with his daughter, Xiaohui one thousand calls. As the pain of torture, Xiaohui one thousand have been unable to eat, so she occasionally some problems to Mr Li.

[live] my good, light to eat fish, squid, octopus, grass carp, perch, Han fish to eat, not greedy Ah, you remember a few and then we like to eat the food's be. Only the inside out is to eat the eat.

[Text] Li Feng, a couple from Dangshan County, Anhui Province. Six months ago, on the fifth-grade daughter, occasional nosebleeds Xiaohui one thousand one, changed the fate of their entire family.

00:28:15 [year] she said that I was bleeding inside the school, may be out of the San Taiwan, and then speak to her father is feeling a bit exaggerated. You do not listen to her, and she spoke a little exaggerated, said San Taiwan,beats by dre studio, which will be out of San Taiwan, the facts, it really is. Then I ask her, she said with a package of toilet paper, do not block the block.

[text] with his wife, Yan Liu Xiaohui one thousand to the local hospital for examination, diagnosis so that Li Feng, a couple caught in a hopeless situation. Aplastic anemia is a rare blood disease, the incidence rate is very low. After the panic, Li Feng, the couple decided to treat the child at all costs. However, a greater blow in waiting for them.

[year] Li Feng: After entering in July, in (Xuzhou) during the observation period, there have been such a platelet bleeding, infection, serious situation. 00:35:20 and then they look at this hospital, give me a notice under the dying

[year] his wife: the doctor said, dying under the notice, but then you go to accompany accompany the child, boy take the final time. His wife: that her father is not willing to children, how can it so, and then transferred with her on the.

[Text] October 1, Li Feng, reluctant to give up treatment with her daughter go to Beijing, hoping sterile hospital room where the treatment can cure the child's first infection of bleeding, then a bone marrow transplant .

[year] 00:44:28 Reporter: I heard you have to sell the house? Interviewed men: I have sold the house. Reporter: That is to say the house is gone now? Interviewed men: Yes, the house is gone. Reporter: How much money selling it? Interviewed men: sold 31 million.

[Text] Li Feng raise money to cure more difficult than the things that need to face every day, Xiaohui one thousand lies.

[year] men: the beginning of the child's body is weak, and fever, gastrointestinal bleeding can not eat for some time do not even drink water, so that the weakest time that can not stimulate a little bit, He has said that has been cheated, that a good thing to write, she can accept.

correspondent: she knew in general what is the status?

men: she knows is anemia, very difficult to treat, more complicated but not taken into account is to be life-threatening.

Correspondent: You have been lied to her is anemia?

Male: Yes. Did not dare tell her, tell her the child back to no.

[Text] Li Feng said, Xiaohui one thousand had never expose his lies. In turn, often praised him and encourage him. This fact made him more sad. The less than 40-year-old father, six months, in the spirit and the economy under great pressure.

father and daughter to meet on-site [14:05] M: the morning did not give Dad a call, is not the TV look good ah? Good? Your treatment is for you yesterday, photographed, recorded today is to give you a video. Treatment to you know, you do watching television in the morning has been good in the morning nothing uncomfortable, right? Body temperature did not it, good, no amount of Monday morning. Body temperature is not all right. You did not dot the morning, then getting better and better. Give you that ... is not it, your mother just wanted to give you a meal, I said I go. Also you said, noon to send you the ribs soup, which hit the line that Danhua do. It is not dark inside that you can see.

[live] (his father hiding outside the room crying)

[year] 00:38:23 Reporter: never cried in front of her, right? Interviewed men: Yes, No, and I told the children open up the phone when talking have been a smile, she said what she said to me that the old words up guide.

[Text] Xiaohui one thousand of the most effective treatment is bone marrow transplant therapy, these days the hospital told Li Feng, a good news, Taiwan Hsiao one thousand a volunteer willing to donate bone marrow.

[year] Shi Bing 19:07 Doctor: luck is better, from Taiwan Marrow Donor Program to find a completely matched volunteers, and now we are told there are links among Taiwan, China Bone Marrow Bank contact. Reporter: matching is fully coupled, right? Doctor: Yes, completely coincide. Doctor: Now we control completely coincide with the type, and he has not done physical examination, the gap is not qualified to see him, if I do not refuse to pass, we will be planning the afternoon, the initial look is probably in about a month. Correspondent: a month or so will be able to heal. Doctors: Yes.

[Text] Shida Fu Hsiao said that if one thousand to have the opportunity to do a bone marrow transplant, there should be 60% chance to completely heal. However, Li Feng, couples also need to raise the huge costs of bone marrow transplantation.

[year] Li Feng: That night, I forget about her mother, probably spent more than 80 million. Reporter: So how much needed next step? Men interviewed: were 60 million to 60 million and she had to do this transplant.

[Text] In the doctor's advice, the decision slowly Li Feng Hsiao one thousand to reveal some of the real condition, so that she can actively cooperate with bone marrow transplant preparation.

[talk] 25:00 Nazan live long if the cells quickly lose if Nazan cells fastest, that if the input cell, then the New Year will be able to come out, and like a,

Correspondent: emotions very well, do not want to?

M: very bad mood, do not want to, now say the words, his head covered in that sleep. Reporter: mention that ... (inaudible little voice)

men: and just talk because, as she was very surprised, especially psychological well just give her time to lose cells, she began to cry emotional tears bad tears, you did not see me I have just cried. She felt that transplantation is the final step.

[Text] Li Feng said he will try to enlighten her, because, after all bone marrow transplant is the only way to save his daughter. Li Feng also like to thank those in their most difficult time reaching out to people. China Children's Charity Relief Fund has also been opened for the public offering relief Xiaohui one thousand accounts, in this account we will also be published in the hope of bringing together for the small consideration one thousand more love.

[Version] Bank: Bank of China Beijing Branch, West Hill Road Branch Account Name: China Children's Charity Relief Fund account number: 813223279608094001 donation be sure to specify in the message bar: 9558 Vicky one thousand

Mr Li Tel: 13269120506

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