Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facebook ot of places you can

At noon for a small meal ,is the company Tongren together for reunion ,chairman of welcome .Other people and natural succession .Xiao new time is very tight ,this has other plans ,appreciably hesitated ,accepted all the requirements .
relationresultStart-up company,department setting is not complete .Advertising department manager rocker while concurrently public relations work ,this task behoove is in the charge of her .To make Xiao Xin feel gratified is ,rocker was very understanding ,but arrangements for a mid-range restaurant .
During the banquet, we are not given to bouts ,two deputy chief first proposed a round .Subsequently, he and Murong were given to all new Qingsi people worship a cup .Finally, Xiao Xin says the words ,let us years later still remain fresh in one .
relationresultMaybe youdo not know ,I am a dead one person .Now able to live here ,have been very lucky .I like the Phoenix ,phoenix rising from the ashes ,because the spirit .No matter what difficulties faced ,it will welcome difficultly on ,never give up ,even if it is a mass of burning fire ,it will not hesitate to put them ,no regrets .
Here I sincerely hope ,everybody can remember the spirit of phoenix .In the joint efforts of all ,the Phoenix Group, will be able to set the Thames a great coup ,ambitious exhibition ,soar .
relationresultWith these words,Xiao Xin picked up a bottle of wine ,drank a clean, can all be struck dumb ,for his magnanimity and heroic heart .The crowd, only Murong Qingsi aware of the details ,not prevent this move of his heart beats ,tenderness ,shiny beautiful eyes .
relationresultAfter lunch,we return to the company ,Murong Qingsi asked Xiao Xin to arrange this afternoon ?Xiao Xin decided to go to Lin Xiaonuo ,and at the same time have a look Mo Xiaoyu .
Uncle Mo only one daughter ,now the New Year approaching ,reasonable in the circumstances should ask .And he and he had agreed to this ,just by the way .Chinese martial art broad and profound ,a lot of places you can reference .
His ability is not a panacea ,want to let oneself actual strength has been further enhanced ,must risk-all long ,stimulate their full range of potential .relationresultIn addition,Xiao new is also an important problem need to be solved ,that is to take the million years fire liquid after the sequelae .
And Murong Qingsi relationship since then ,this case is slightly relieved ,but Yang fire hyperactivity problems still exist, often feel restless ,hung up .This phenomenon is not go on for long ,must find a way to completely cure .
He is the master form in forest gate .In his on the home made understanding ,perhaps can have some help .relationresultMurongQingsi considering Xiao new noon had drunk a lot ,he decided to drive past ,Facebook.
Let the beautiful girlfriend when their driver ,Xiao new natural laugh accept .relationresult(the end) , relationresultText4 security situation the 167th chapter Hall (everyday words ,seeking monthly ) , relationresultUpdate: 2009-6-148:28:52 chapter number :4169 , relationresultThe rebirth of the Phoenix Legend is / / / / article / net / sign / about / for / goods ,please support genuine reading books ,a lot of click to vote .
Your support is my motivation ,writing .The book every day at least three ,you must not miss .relationresult,you need how so big? Murong Qingsi asked .relationresultXiaonew only smiled but did not reply ,suddenly reminded of his parents .
When I was young,google, when father came home on leave ,my mother used to make a table of good food .Father a heavy drinker ,is said to have two catties ,each time only to drink a cup of wine ,often while the wife does not pay attention, use the chopsticks head in the cup with a point ,let a son also taste .
Mei Lin saw certainly to blame ,father always laughed and said: men don drink, are not a man .Now wanted to come, it is forever regret .The wishes, the pro-not to support ,father dies early ,home leaving only one mother .
The back must persuade to persuade her ,took her to live with .Even if he is not at home ,there are green thinking from side to take care of .If the mother is inseparable from the student ,she can handle the transfer formalities .
Now this society ,as long as willing to spend money ,should not be a tickler .relationresultMurongQingsi while driving, while the corner of the eyes by Xiao new attention ,to see him a shade of melancholy ,seem to be thinking about what ,then asked : how are you ? , relationresultXiao Xin pick ,return to God : no ,I want to fuck .
Yes ,on New Year ,you go back ? , relationresultMurongQingsi face suddenly rises two clouds ,whispered : go ,my aunt was very happy to see me ,gave me a lot of delicious food .Teach me to do your favorite dish .
Yes ,I saw your sister ,good looking ,never listen to you about ? , relationresultXiaoXincai other say who ,but heart cloudily .Carrie ,he made several calls to Kang Min .But there has been no answer .
Not knowing that Kang Min is still the same as before ,often home to take care of his mother ,so he is touched, and feel more guilty .Kang Min was so young ,and would live like this ?relationresultWhat .
Murong Qingsi asked .By virtue of feminine intuition ,she first saw Kang Min found the girl is wrong .She just deliberately souded ,boyfriend response was not nature .As clever as she is ,and not continue to ask .
Two people are in love ,they should trust each other .Don have any doubt .Xiao Xin looks after recovery ,personality has changed a lot, but one thing you can be sure of .He is not a sentimental person .
It is likely to be another reason .relationresultAs sheexpected, Xiao new does not want to continue to conceal .For him, this section of love is always a knot .If Kang Min cannot get happiness ,his life will be the guilt of disturbed .
relationresultGreen thinking ,there never told you .At night we talk . Xiao Xin begged .relationresultListen toher boyfriend so solemn ,Murong Qingsi heart quivered, gently nodded ,biting his lips without speaking ,will focus completely transferred to the driver .
relationresultItsoon came to Z gate .Murong Qingsi in the company there are many things .The original road return .Xiao Xin remembered this morning forget himself in Beijing buy a gift .
So in front of the school to the supermarket to buy two bottles of wine .To honor the future master .relationresultXiaonew carrying wine out of the supermarket .See across the street was a familiar figure .
I heart one .The school has a holiday .This boy how still here ?relationresultMeng Xiaoyang.Why didn go home ? New asked xiao .relationresultMeng Xiaoyangturned back to .See Shaw new .
Suddenly surprised : boss .You so long time where to go ? , relationresultXiao Xinnodded not to say yes or no .Then asked : what are you doing ? , relationresultMeng Xiaoyangface a depressed .
Feeble. Said: really bad luck .Yesterday in the bar all night to get on the internet .This morning found the wallet was stolen ! , relationresultXiao Xin wasangry and funny ,and scold a way: is it right,cnn? Network game to play crazy ,holiday does not go home ? , relationresultMeng Xiaoyangsaid : I feel helpless ,train tickets had sold out .
Now ,lost wallet .Want to go back . ! , relationresultTake it .Hurry home .Train tickets can not buy, can take a bus ! He took out his wallet new .Picked from the inside out a few ,directly into the hands of Meng Xiaoyang .
relationresultMeng Xiaoyangrepeatedly shouted long live great heart ,eyes ,the point of origin to the point of tears .Xiao Xin quickly leaped aside ,away from this guy hug .Although the school was finished ,there is still a lot to their home .
If a man sees gossip ,will become the school titled Z ,the glass man ,love song Prince is actually the back ! .At that time, Xiao new could be in big trouble .relationresultSee Meng Related articles:

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